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Did you know it takes the average student 10 seconds to formulate a response? For EMLs, it can take 30 or more seconds to do the same, as they must process a question, formulate a response, translate back and forth, work up the courage to answer, and then raise their hand. Yet the average amount of time a teacher pauses after a question is 0.9 seconds!
You can support your EMLs considerably by simply allowing more time: wait time, processing time, assignment time, and discussion time. Moving at light-speed guarantees only students who already understand will retain the information, and ensures few will internalize it at a deeper level.
In classrooms we tend to emphasize reading and listening over speaking and writing, yet the latter are harder to master because we are asking students to produce language. In addition, language learners develop listening and reading first (receptive language), which can lead us to falsely believe they will be able to produce language in writing and orally just as quickly.
As a result, it’s critical that every lesson we teach (across every content area) prioritizes productive language. The acronym SWIRL (Speak → Write → Interact → Read → Listen) is a format that helps educators remember to incorporate each language domain in their planning, as well as prioritize productive language.
Cognates are words in two languages that share a similar meaning. Spanish and English share about 30-40% of the same cognates, such as (to) study and estudiar. Cognates in a student’s home language (ex: Spanish) can be used as a tool for understanding a second language (ex: English).
As a bonus, teaching about cognates amplifies language skills for all AND highlights the expertise of your Spanish speakers.
Strategies for Teaching about Spanish-English Cognates:·
This Classroom Application Handbook is a companion to From Risk to Promise, A School Leader’s Guide to Professional Learning in Prosperity-Based Education.
Since the publication of the first From Risk to Promise, we have been thrilled and honored with the positive feedback we have received from educators, who have been our Prosperity-based modules. It has been gratifying to work with districts across the country who embrace our at-promise mindset.
Based on the professional learning experiences and conversations with educators, we created this companion book for our Educators of Prosperity. This handbook follows the same sessions as the original From Risk to Promise and provides additional classroom strategies and tasks, teacher resources, and tips for leveling up your game. We hope this will be a valuable next step on your journey towards student prosperity.
Contact us and a staff member will be in touch soon!